The Importance of Having a Restroom Cleaning Checklist

wiping down the faucet
teal colored bathroom tiles

The Importance of Having a Restroom Cleaning Checklist

Restrooms need continuous upkeep. For most public buildings, restrooms get more traffic than other spaces, which is why it’s essential to keep them clean and tidy.

However, many bathrooms are left in less-than-ideal conditions because employees don’t have the time or resources to clean them efficiently.

As an employee, maintaining a clean restroom can be an overwhelming task. Not only is it time-consuming, but, as a space that gets the most foot traffic. It’s also often hard to find a time to clean the restroom when patrons aren’t utilizing it.

That’s why we recommend that every business implement a restroom cleaning checklist — so that employees can streamline the process.

Below is a basic restroom cleaning checklist that any business can use! Feel free to tweak this cleaning checklist as much as you need to fit your unique business needs:


Clean Sinks and Countertops

Sinks and countertops carry tons of bacteria. All sinks and countertops in the restroom should be sprayed with antibacterial disinfectant and then wiped down with a damp paper towel or clean cloth.

spotless and neat Toilet sink

Polish Metal Fixtures
Metal fixtures tend to attract fingerprints, stains, and grime. All metal fixtures and dispensers should be wiped down and polished until clean and shiny.

Clean Mirrors
Mirrors are often left smudged and stained. Spray all mirrors with glass cleaner and wipe them down, making sure to avoid streaks.

baby lying on a white soft linen


Clean & Disinfect Baby Change Tables
Babies and parents deserve a clean and safe space to change diapers and tend to their needs. It’s crucial to ensure the baby change stations are cleaned and wiped down with antibacterial disinfectant.



Scrub & Disinfect Toilets
This one’s obvious! Toilets should be scrubbed to remove any stains, and should also be disinfected both inside and outside of the bowl.

staff scrubbing the toilet sit
Scrubbed clean men's toilet



Clean Urinals & Replace Urinal Cakes
No one likes a smelly urinal. Be sure to wipe down urinals with an antibacterial disinfectant and to replace any urinal cakes that have begun to dissolve.

Empty Garbage & Sanitary Napkin Bins
Overflowing garbage bins are never okay. All wastebasket bags that are full should be thrown away and replaced with clean bags. Also, don’t forget to empty and replace the bags in the sanitary napkin bins for female hygiene products!

Replace Toilet Paper Rolls
We’ve all ran out of toilet paper in a public bathroom — don’t let your business be one of them. Replace any toilet paper rolls with little to no toilet paper left should be replaced with new, fresh rolls.


Refill Toilet Seat Covers
Toilet seat covers are often left empty, but they shouldn’t be. If your company has a toilet seat cover dispenser, it should be refilled regularly and stocked full of new covers.

scrubbed tiles on men's bathroom

Restock Hand Towels or Paper Towel Dispensers
Hand towels are an essential part of a restroom. If your business uses cloth hand towels, make sure that there are a sufficient amount of clean sheets available for patrons. If you use a paper towel dispenser, make sure to restock it regularly and check to see that it’s not jammed.

Refill Hand Soap
Everyone wants clean hands after using the restroom. All hand soap dispensers should be checked and refilled regularly.

wet floor sign


Sweep and Mop Floors
Floors should be swept to remove any debris or dirt and then thoroughly mopped. Keep a safe space by putting up a “wet floor” caution sign and leave it there until the floors are completely dry.

Wipe Down Walls & Stalls
Dust and dirt can gather on walls and inside restroom stalls. All walls and bathroom stalls should be wiped down to remove any dust, dirt, or grime. Also, be sure to try and wipe away any graffiti that you see.
